Muradiye Shrines

Muradiye Shrines

07.02.2024 20:39

The famous Muradiye Complex in Bursa houses building communities such as mosques, madrasahs, shrines and baths. The most important feature of this place is that it is recorded as the last complex created by the Ottoman sultans themselves. ıN Muradiye Complex, Sultan II. Murat's signature is visible. This place also gives its name to the neighborhood it is connected to. In the complex, especially the tombs are of great interest. These shrines are enlarged with various additions over time. New additions are made to the complex during the periods of Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Kanuni Sultan. Together with the recent additions, 12 shrines are open to visitors in the region known as Muradiye shrines.

It is possible to mention the graves of 40 people belonging to the dynasty due to the excess of the crates in it. This large complex, which also houses the shrines, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2014. UNESCO has a particular interest in Cumalıkızık.

Bursa is referred as’ City of shrines'. In this case, the share of this great complex is large. Only members of the Ottoman dynasty are allowed in Muradiye shrines. Shrines like Gülşah Hatun Tomb, Concubines Tomb, Ebe Hatun Tomb, Gülruh Hatun Tomb, Şehzade Ahmet Tomb, Hüma Hatun tomb and Şehzade Mustafa Tomb are among the most visited in Muradiye Tombs.

The group of shrines in the Muradiye Complex is in the middle of the imaret and the bath. The area is somewhat more dispersed compared to other complexities. Only one Sultan's body is found in Muradiye shrines. In shrines, usually sultan wives, prince wives, concubines or tombs directly belonging to princes are encountered. The only sultan's tomb located here belongs to II.Murat. Two of the shrines are designed to be open. The average of two to six crates are found in each tomb. When you visit this place, you can find traces of not only the Ottoman but also the Seljuk cupola tradition.


Muradiye ShrinesMuradiye ShrinesMuradiye Shrines



  • ahmetyaylacii
    07.11.2022 07:54

    Sultan Murad, Cem Sultan ve Şehzade Mustafa gibi Osmanlı tarihi şahsiyetlerinin türbelerinin bulunduğu ve Sultan Murad Han adına yapılmış Caminin bulunduğu tarihi külliye


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