Artvin's Nature is Treasure, Its Water is Healing
Artvin's Nature is Treasure, Its Water is Healing

Artvin's Nature is Treasure, Its Water is Healing

It is a proof that Mother Nature offers unlimited beauty to Artvin; no one should be jealous! The unique beauty of our country, where you can see every shade of green, is accompanied by all the depth of blue. Air is life, water is healing…

The healing waters here are good for every disease! It is among the richest provinces in terms of spas in Turkey. Almost every district of Artvin has either a hot spring or drinking water. The city's spas are particularly effective on skin problems, rheumatism novices and joint pains...

Otingo Hot Spring (Borçka)

8 kilometers east of Borçka Balcı village, there is the healing waters. There is also a small accommodation facility in the area of Otingo Hot Springs, which you can reach by going through the Forest Road.

Zeytinlik Hot Spring (Center)

It is located in the village of Zeytinlik, 5 kilometers south of the city center. This thermal is a crowded place, mainly due to its being in the center of treating stomach and intestinal diseases.

Ilıca Village Hot Spring (Şavşat)

It is located in the village of Ilıca, 12 kilometers west of Şavşat. This spa, which is recommended by experts, is better for Rheumatic Diseases. There is also a small hotel and restaurant near the spa.

Cıskara Mineral Water (Centre)

It is 20 kilometers from the center of Artvin. This healing water is good for rheumatism and heart disease, as well as has a healing effect on joint and novelties.

Güngörmez Suyu (Yusufeli)

The Güngörmez Mountains in Yusufeli are the source of this healing water. It is an interesting natural event that water starts to flow at dusk and water stops when the day opens.

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