Bursa with Numbers
Bursa with Numbers

Bursa with Numbers

The population of Bursa, whose history dates back to 7000 years, is 3 million 56 thousand 120 according to the last census. The 50.09 percent, i.e. 1 million 530,956 population of the city, which has an almost equal population distribution, is women, On the other hand, men constitutes 49.91 percent of the population, i.e. 1 million 525 thousand 164 people.

Bursa, which has a surface area of 10,813 square kilometers, is the 27th city of Turkey in terms of surface area size. Bursa's license plate code is 16 and its telephone code is 224.

The city, which is generally affected by the temperate climate of Marmara, also has a harsh climate zone in some areas due to Uludag. The annual rainfall of Bursa, which can vary between 46 degrees Celsius and -25.7 degrees Celsius, varies between 456.2 and 1217.4 millimeters. The vegetation of the city, which has an average of 113 days of rainfall during the year, is also shaped accordingly. Only 8 percent of the land is suitable for agriculture, 43 percent of the city is covered with forests, 44 percent of the fields and 5 percent consists of meadows and pastures.

Bursa, which has 17 districts including Büyükorhan, Gemlik, Gürsu, Harmancık, Inegöl, Iznik, Karacabey, Keles, Kestel, Mudanya, Mustafakemalpaşa, Nilüfer, Orhangazi, Osmangazi, Yenisar and Yildirim, has a total number of 1061 neighborhoods. Inegöl is the district with the highest number of parishes in the developed districts of the city, which does not have a village.

Bursa having three cascades such as Saitabat, Suutçu and Aras has Uludag, Samanlı, Biga, Yıldız, Koru and Işıklar mountains, as well as Mudanya Hills counted 7 mountains. In addition, the city is very rich in terms of water, Sapanca, Ulubat, Iznik and Kuş lakes are among the most important tourist water sources.

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