The Favorite of World Architectural History, The Symbol of Edirne: The Selimiye Mosque
The Favorite of World Architectural History, The Symbol of Edirne: The Selimiye Mosque

The Favorite of World Architectural History, The Symbol of Edirne: The Selimiye Mosque

Selimiye Mosque

The Selimiye Mosque, built in Edirne, which made the armies of the Ottoman Empire travel to Europe, is a symbol of this city as well as one of the Chief works of World Architecture.

Bigger Than The Dome of Hagia Sophia

This imposing mosque, which was built by architect Sinan on the orders of Sultan II.Selim, greetings you no matter which corner of Edirne you go... With its 9-meter height and 32-meter diameter, is even bigger than the Dome of Hagia Sophia. In fact, so much so that the history books of the Ottoman European campaigns to stop at the same time 6 thousand people of the army to perform prayers here is even written.

Reverse Tulip Motif Still Remaıns A Mystery

Selimiye Mosque, which welcomes tourists around the world today with its excellent lighting, the absence of even one crack despite the earthquakes experienced so far, the perfection of its interior decorations, the grandeur of its acoustics, the mystery of its reverse tulip motif, still attracts the curiosity of many scientists and architects.

Speaking of reverse tulip, let us give you a brief explanation without getting you curious: in one of the marble feet inside the Selimiye Mosque done when Sinan was 80 years old (1500s) has a small reverse tulip motif. Many different narrations about the meaning of this motif have survived to the present day. One of these is that the reverse Tulip gets a little closer to the ground each year. It is said that the day it touches the Earth will come to the end of the world. Another rumor is that there used to be a tulip garden at the site of the mosque, and this motif symbolizes the garden. However, it is known that despite more than 500 years, the mystery of this motif has still not been solved.

Its Reputation Transcends The City

The Selimiye Mosque, which is not only among the most popular works of the Ottoman Empire but also of the world's architectural history, has more fame than this city, which was the capital of the Ottoman Empire for a time. Visit the Selimiye Mosque, the symbol of Edirne, which Sinan the Architect, one of the most ingenious architects of the world, calls it as ‘My Master Work’.

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