Edirne From Past To Present
Edirne From Past To Present

Edirne From Past To Present

Welcome to our article, where we will discuss the progress of Edirne, Turkey's gateway to Europe, from its first moment on the historical stage to today. Come on, let's get to know this city together. If you're ready to talk, and without much ado, let's get started.

First Let's Go Back A Few Thousand Years

According to the narratives, the city was first discovered by the Thracian tribes named Odris and Bettegeri and turned into a habitable city. This settlement was founded at the confluence of the rivers Meriç and Tunca and was named Odris or Odrisia. Later, years passed by, and the dusty pages of history, provided that they still remain before the Year 1400 to 1200 BC, marked the years. It was during this period that a people called Akalar came under the rule of Edirne and took the name ‘police’.

The Ahamenish Empire, a Persian state founded by Kiros the Great in the 6th century B.C., entered into war with the Scythians in 510 B.C. and reached the dominance of this place when it advanced to Edirne during the campaign. After this date, the city remained under Persian rule for more than 150 years. Teres - who was the ruler of Odrises at the time-declared its independence and managed to restore its old cities to their sovereignty. But that didn't last long either. By 340 BC, Edirne, which had passed into the hands of Macedonians, started to be referred by its new rulers under a brand new name and became Orestia. Edirne, which had known to draw attention to all its time because of its fertile lands and abundant water resources, was then invaded by the Celts, but fell into the hands of the Romans in 168 BC.

The Romans, like the previous rulers of the city, wanted to give their own name to Edirne and this time the city of Orestia was called Hadrianapolis. However, it is necessary to add the following information that Hadrianapolis actually came from the Roman Emperor of the time Hadrianus. Anyway, sir, let us return to the subject... Almost everyone hears at least once the event takes place and the Roman Empire is divided in two in 395 BC. Hadrianapolis, which became the territory of the Byzantine Empire after this date, was then subjected to attacks on Got, Hun, Pechenek, Avar and Bulgarian.

In 813, the Bulgarian Khan Krum was unable to resist the capture of this fertile land and captured the city. After the Khan died, the Bulgarian state, which was powerless, made a treaty with Byzantium and left the city to them again after 30 years of rule. In later years, the city came under the rule of the Latin Empire, and the Bulgarians again took over the administration... In short, the fertile land of the beautiful city, which was the scene of many conquests and invasions.

Ottoman is in Love with His Edirne

Although the clear history information varies in different sources-let's say between 1361 and 1367 - the city was taken by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire, which was unable to resist the attraction of this beautiful city, declared it the capital.

In 1453, When II.Mehmet - who we usually know as Sultan Mehmet The Conqueror-conquered Istanbul, Istanbul became the new capital of the Ottoman Empire, but Edirne always maintained its value. It's called” Second Payitaht." Water is abundant, air is spacious and the people of this place is a separate well-liked Ottoman.

Edirne, one of the most exclusive cities of the state that ruled for 600 years, has been the favorite of almost every Sultan and the place of scholar and Trade Center where its princes received lala education for centuries. We said that centuries have passed and Edirne has always been Edirne, always developed, flourished as it developed, and as it flourished, it has become even more irresistible. When the dusty pages of history point to the 18th century, the biggest blow city took is Mother Nature's “put a brake on, son!". Earthquakes and fires, so to speak, shaken Edirne. The city was boasted of being the most important geopolitical city with its opening position to the Balkans, while the city was at a disadvantage during the period of Ottoman decline.In the Ottoman-Russian war of 1828, it experienced the first occupation of the Ottoman period and came into the hands of the Russians. Although the Ottomans recaptured Edirne, the city was lost again in the Ottoman-Russian war of 1877-1878, which is recorded as 93 Harbi. Although the Ottomans were determined not to lose apple of its eye and retook their city Edirne, this time the city was occupied by Bulgarians during the Balkan War.

However, as we mentioned, the Ottoman is determined, the Ottoman is in love with Edirne... more Before the ink of the I. Balkan War Treaty dried, The II. Balkan War broke out and the city that was fond of by the Ottoman Empire was reunited.

Although it was occupied many times, Edirne, whose soil smelled of Ottoman culture, consisting of its grandma, manners, customs of Turkishness, entered World War II and lost it during the period of Ottoman decline was occupied by the Greeks. Then the Head Teacher, The Great Leader, Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk came to the stage of history. He started to implement his plans, which he integrated with all His Majesty, military intelligence and wisdom, one by one, and he told the people all over the country that the Turkish nation should be fully independent and ignited the war of independence by uprooting the people. In the end, the people of Edirne, like all citizens of the Republic of Turkey, defended their freedom at the cost of their lives and on 25 November 1922, Edirne was liberated from the Greek occupation. On September 15, 1923, the Treaty of Lausanne gave Greece as war reparations, and Turkey reclaimed the Karaağaç and Edirne completely drew its present borders.

Almost countless cultures and civilizations have come from the Lands of Edirne, but their longest guests have been the Ottomans and then Turkey. This is why Edirne's soil is Ottoman, the air smells Turkish.

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