What You Should See In Gaziantep
What You Should See In Gaziantep

What You Should See In Gaziantep

Places Giving Gaziantep Its Essence

Gaziantep has fit endless culture and traditions in its thousands of year-old history and has been on the stage for almost the emergence of the humans. Keeping this in mind, we have gathered for you "the must-sees" of Gaziantep.

First of all, you should admit that if you are visiting this city, the first reason is to taste its magnificent cuisine. But keep this in mind that its history is so impressive that if we do not visit the historical places, go to the museums, see the must-sees, Gaziantep will be left in tears.

Zeugma Mosaic Museum

We have good news for you. As almost everywhere to see is located in the city centrum, you don't have to go long distances for the touristic destinations. Concerning the richness of the mosaic collection, this gorgeous place is the second richest museum in Turkey, and you should necessarily visit this museum.

Gaziantep Castle

Even though its construction date is not known, it is estimated Gaziantep Castle dates back to the Romans. It is one of the symbols of the city, and it is another must-see in the city.

Pişirici Fountain

Pişirici Fountain is one of the unique artifacts indicating that Gaziantep exceeds its limits in the water architecture. If you leave without seeing this fountain, then you won't see the whole architectural beauties of the city.

Gaziantep Bath Museum

Just think about it; the bath was a culture for the Ottomans. It was not only cleaning the body but also had a philosophy to cleanse the soul. And many bathhouses were built with this understanding. So, how can we get to know this culture closely? Exactly by visiting Gaziantep Bath Museum. You should not leave Gaziantep without visiting this mystical world which mixes the city culture with the bath philosophy.

Gaziantep Botanic Garden

This beautiful garden was established in 2009 and offers a collection of the flora of Turkey. And you will feel like Alice in Wonderland there. And we thought you should not miss this feeling and added this destination to our list. Please don't leave the city before seeing it.

Sakli Konak (Hidden Mansion)

It is a place which is not hidden for its location but its magnificence and as well as delicacy. We promise that Saklı Konak almost swears to take you to time travel, and please do not come back without visiting Saklı Konak and getting lost in the magnificence of its collection. Then you will always be missing.

Zincirli and Kemikli Covered Bazaars

Covered bazaars were actually considered as the shopping malls of the Ottoman, and they were built in a closed structure where you can find anything. You may ask "What makes these covered bazaars so special?" and here is your answer. These covered bazaars still function despite their history of hundreds of years and tell you the cultural wealth of the city. And while you are in Gaziantep, you should go on shopping. You should definitely visit these unique places offering you the regional things special for Gaziantep.

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