Places To See in Hatay
Places To See in Hatay

Places To See in Hatay

Rewards if you complete it, punishment if you don’t (!)

I know you are saying “What are you talking about GeziBilen, what rewards or what punishment, we are here to have a good time”. Let me describe it to you. Those who complete the list of places to see in Hatay, one of the fathers of the ancient civilizations will open the door to wisdom, and those who fail to complete the list will have a guilty conscience as they will continue to think about this list! Now, for this reason, this list is both a reward and a punishment. Come on, let’s begin.

Hatay Archeology Museum

We cannot live without museums, but we cannot absolutely live without the Hatay Archeology Museum which has the second biggest mosaic collection in the world. You will not be considered to have seen Hatay without visiting this museum which promises to take you on a journey in time.

The First Mosque

Hatay is truly an ancient city. This city has the oldest mosque in Turkey. Habib-i Neccar Mosque built in 638 BC is one of the symbols of the city. Now, you tell me, can you leave without seeing it? J

40 Years on a Single Column

A destination of pilgrims in early Christianity: St. Simon Monastery… The rumor has it that St. Simon, the founder of the St. Simonians Cult, lived for 40 years on a single column of this monastery which was built upon his instructions and named after him. This monastery which has survived since the 6th century AC and is one of the treasures of Hatay is a must see.

Emperor Tunnel Titus

The Titus Tunnel, construction of which started in the 1st century BC by the Roman Emperor Vespasian to prevent flooding of the city but was only completed by his son Titus in 81 AC still maintains its glorious look. It has a mystical appearance and its beauty will make you jealous.

Hıdır Bey Moses Tree

You cannot say you have seen Hatay without having a cup of coffee in the shadow of this legendary tree and listening its story from the public.

Harbiye Waterfalls

The Harbiye Waterfalls right behind the bay leaf trees, a home to legends that shaped the Greek mythology, is the reflection of the beauty of Hatay, the favorite of photography lovers… Won’t you take a selfie here? J


We weren’t exaggerating when we said rewards and punishment. Hatay is a city filled with history, culture and legends, we have whispered the teachings of Mesopotamia and Anatolia, we have given you tips about a journey that you will open the door to. We are telling you, you should absolutely see it.

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