Natural Beauties of Istanbul
Natural Beauties of Istanbul

Natural Beauties of Istanbul

It is a widely known fact that İstanbul is a wonderful city in every aspect. Its historical fabric is one of great splendour! But what about its natural beauties? Our text addressing this aspect intends to provide an answer to this question. Let’s get started, there we go.


It is a place as if it were in İstanbul, but also one far from it! With its pure and fresh air, a wonderful natural environment rich in green flora, and numerous other beauties, Polonezköy is a place of legendary beauty. Its name may seem to be a little different, but the name derives from the area where the Polish people living in Turkey are domiciled.  

You can be assured; once you visit the area, you will have no choice, but to become a regular visitor to this wonderful place.

Emirgan Woods

Emirgan woods is a good option for those who want to flee the big city without, nonetheless, going too far from it. A park complex with tulip festivals being held since 2006, manor houses named Yellow, White and Pink Pavilions established on an area of 47 hectares, it is a place in the heart of the city, giving one, nevertheless, a feeling of being away from it… I promise you, it is a place well worth seeing.

Belgrad Forest

I hear you saying “What? Forests? Do we have still some in İstanbul?”. However, with a flora inventory of 2500 different species, of which 200 are endemic to this area and legendary natural beauties, the Belgrad Forest is a wonder of nature that has managed to survive the test of time. This wonderful area that is a gift of mother nature is one of the places of retreat for the people of İstanbul.

Atatürk Arboretum 

The Atatürk Arboretum is a botanical garden with a rich collection of trees and dwarf trees… With trees of all colours, wonderful flowers, three artificial lakes, and numerous marvellous corners, it is like a plant museum. Its construction took 33 years intending to synchronise it with the centenary anniversary of the death of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Put frankly, you can see such a great variety of flora nowhere else. This is the reason we have included it in our blog text describing natural beauties.

There are so many other natural beauties that characterise İstanbul, from the Kilimli Path in Ağva, Ballıkayalar Natural Park to the Gözdağ Woods in Pendik and Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden in Ümraniye, among many others… What we mention in our text here are the most popular ones. We hope you can make use of our routes if you wish to experience one of the places we have described here. OK, we are ending here our text with a little self-promotion. We strongly advise you to read our other blog text about İstanbul, as well. Byeeee….

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