Architecture of Kastamonu
Architecture of Kastamonu

Architecture of Kastamonu

Just think about that, even the central district impresses with its 564 architectural structures forming the unique architecture, and 400 immovables of the city are at least a hundred years old. Kastamonu is a whole with the best examples of the civilian architecture, hundreds of mansions and its beauties make you wish to live there. And now we will explore the beautiful structure of Kastamonu closely. But we can hear the main question "What is it that makes the architecture of this city so special?" You seem to ask this question. The most prominent feature is that each mansion in the central district has a different architectural design and are processed according to a distinct aesthetic understanding - yes processed(!)-, and the mansions of this city make a strong impression. Actually, a uniform "Kastamonu Mansion" style has not been created for this reason. One unique element making the architecture of this city so important is the existence of so many structures with such different styles altogether. Another critical element is that the ground floor of two-storey mansions is not blind like the examples in other cities, but it is used as a door opened to life and the sun. Therefore, the mansions in Kastamonu generally are built as the family life common area - 1st floor- and special sections allocated for the guests -2nd floor-. The impressive architectural structures of the city are as follows. And you can find information notes about them.

Ballik Mansion

For example, Ballık Mansion... Firstly the main reason for addressing this structure is its magnificence. This mansion was constructed in June 1906 and is mentioned as one of the most beautiful architectural structures of the city. The mansion stands out especially for its ceiling adornments.

İsmailbey Mansion

Our next stop is this mansion, which was named after Hacı İsmail Aga, the biological uncle of Mehmet the Conqueror. Mehmet's uncle, Hacı İsmail Aga, built this mansion when he was working as Kastamonu Governor. Then, as he was assigned as Pristina Governor by his nephew, he could not live in this mansion, but the legendary beauty of the structure survived until today.

Sirkeli Mansion

The construction of the mansion was initiated to complete three storeys, however, it was concluded on the second storey because of financial issues. Built in 1893-1898, the building is currently under the protection of Kastamonu Governorship Special Provincial Directorate of Administration. And it is used as Anatolian Hospital Culture Centre.

75th Year Republic House

Even though certain information is not available concerning the history of this structure, it is considered as one of the most important examples of Kastamonu civilian architecture. Kastamonu Governorship purchased the mansion within the scope of 75th-year celebrations of the Republic of Turkey and repaired it. Then it was decorated with ethnographic items and brought into service in 1998.

Sepetçioğlu Mansion

No no, please do not confuse this mansion with Sepetçi Summer Palace in Istanbul; this is unique Sepetçioğlu Mansion. Although no certain information is available concerning the construction date of the mansion, it is estimated that it was built in 1884. The mansion has a rectangular shape close to a square, and it is considered as "the most beautiful structure of its Period".

Tahirefendi (Ottoman) Mansion

One of the oldest architectural structures in Kastamonu, this mansion consists of just the ground and first floors. With its appearance indicating the architecture of the 18th century and the gorgeous tricks of light on its stained glasses, this mansion impresses the visitors. It is one of the most popular buildings in Kastamonu.

Ottoman Palace (Former Municipality Palace)

This gorgeous but also modest structure was built towards the end of the 19th century as the Kastamonu Municipality Building, and it is a nostalgic beauty. Even though it was granted to the private initiatives through restore - operate - transfer method, it has been used as a hotel and restaurant since 1999.

Now It’s Inebolu Houses’ Turn

There are so many! Lilapaşa, Eflanili, Kırkodalı, Yücebıyıkların, Hafızbey, Zincirlioğlu and Mazlumcuoğlu Mansions... However, while talking about so many mansions, we cannot ignore İnebolu Houses, it does not serve to our purpose. Beautiful Kastamonu has improved itself in housing construction thanks to its geography is like the homeland of the civilian architecture. But İnebolu Houses have such a distinct beauty, distinct feature. The houses are covered with slate stone, and thus they show the most impressive shades of red, white and blue. The front of İnebolu Houses looks like two storeys, and the rear fronts look like four-storey. Another important feature of these houses is they have two separate stairs inside as the inside is formed of separate sections for men and women. This architectural style is not found only in İnebolu, and it can be observed frequently in Abana, İlişi, Bozkurt and Çatalzeytin Districts.

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