Mardin in Numbers
Mardin in Numbers

Mardin in Numbers

The population of Mardin which has been the center of many ancient civilizations and still preserving their cultures, is 829,195. Out of this number, 50.29 percent are men corresponding to 417 thousand people and 49.71 percent are women corresponding to 412 thousand 195 people. The population of Mardin has increased by 19 thousand 476 people compared to the previous year. The reason of this great increase rate is the immigration of Syrian citizens to Mardin.

Mardin has an area of 8 thousand 858 square kilometers and the number of people per square kilometer is 94. The city with a history of thousands of years, has always had a balanced population growth rate constituting one of the main factors that ensure the sustainability of the historical structures and the city as a whole.

Mardin is located at latitude 37 degrees 18 minutes 51.37 seconds North, 40 degrees 44 minutes and 19.30 seconds East. The city has the advantages and disadvantages of being a border city not only due to its location on the map but also geopolitically and has a history dating back to 10000 BC which enabled it to play a major role in spreading of all three heavenly religions to Anatolia.

The four main water sources of the city are referred to as Çağçağ Creek, Savur Stream, Buğur Stream and Zergan Stream and the city also has impressive forested land and pastures. Mardin has 126 thousand 908 hectares of forested land and 115.447 hectares consist of meadows and pastures out of said area. On the mountain slopes of the city, where the steppe is generally dominant, oak forests are seen.

Mardin has a total of 10 districts with the referred to as Merkez, Dargeçit, Derik, Kızıltepe, Mazıdağı, Midyat, Nusaybin, Ömerli, Savur and Yeşilli. The city, of which 588 villages and 21 towns were converted into neighborhoods in 2014, has 702 neighborhoods.

The winter in Mardin is quite harsh and cold since Mardin is located in a geography where it is affected by the dominant continental climate. In the city, where high temperatures are experienced in summer, the average temperature is 3.6 degrees Celsius in winter and 30.2 degrees Celsius in summer.

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