Nevşehir in Numbers
Nevşehir in Numbers

Nevşehir in Numbers

Nevşehir, also known as the land of fairy tales, is located between the 38 degrees 40 minutes and 14 seconds Northern latitudes and 34 degrees, 50 minutes and 21 seconds Eastern longitudes. The city which expands over a 5 thousand 407 square kilometer area is the 62nd biggest city in Turkey.

The current population of Nevşehir is 298 thousand 339. It increases by about 1,7 to 2,1 percent every year. The population distribution is almost even in the city. While there are 147 thousand 498 men making up 49,42 percent of the population, there are 150 thousand 901 women making up 50,58 percent. Considering the surface area and population of the city, it makes 55 people per square kilometer.

Nevşehir is located in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey and its altitude is 1224 meters. The city has a continental climate, it is hot and dry in summers and cold in winters. While the temperature is below 0°C for 70 days a year, it is above 30°C for 20 days. The annual average rainfall is between 388-353 mm and the weather gets colder as you get further from the Kızılırmak Valley.

The city is poor in terms of plantation, it is mainly covered in steppe and plains. You can only see poplar, willow and cypress trees in the Kızılırmak Valley. The cultivation area is 69 percent and the pasture is 28 percent in Nevşehir.

Nevşehir has 8 districts, namely, Central, Acıgöl, Avanos, Derinkuyu, Gülşehir, Hacıbektaş, Kozaklı and Ürgüp, and there are 22 quarters even in the center. This city, despite not being a metropolitan, is one of the cities that welcomes the most guests in Turkey in terms of religious tourism.

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