Van’s Routes to Discover: Akdamar Church
Van’s Routes to Discover: Akdamar Church

Van’s Routes to Discover: Akdamar Church

Table Of Contents

  • 1 Where is Akdamar Church?
  • 2 When was Akdamar Church Built?
  • 3 Why Was Akdamar Church Built?
  • 4 What is the Architecture of Akdamar Church?
  • 5 What are the Figures in the Akdamar Church?
  • 6 When Was Akdamar Church Restored?

Van, which can be shown among our cities that are essential to discover with its historical and natural beauties, blends history and nature tourism with Akdamar Church. We share some details that will help you while discovering Akdamar Church in this article!

Where is Akdamar Church?

Akdamar Church is located on Akdamar Island within the borders of Gevaş district of Van.

When was Akdamar Church Built?

The history of Akdamar Church, built in the southeast of Akdamar Island, dates back to King Gagik I of Vaspurakan. It is known that Gagik I had Akdamar Church built in the name of the Holy Cross by Monk Manuel between the years 915-921. After its initial construction, some structures were added to the Akdamar Church, the chapel located in the northeast of it was built in 1296-1336, the jamatun (community house) in the west was built in 1763, and the bell tower in the south was added to the structure in the late 18th century.

Why Was Akdamar Church Built?

Akdamar Church, built in the early 900s, was developed as a palace church, but it would soon become a monastery church. Akdamar Church, which underwent restoration in 2007, serves as a ‘monumental museum’ as a result of this restoration.

What is the Architecture of Akdamar Church?

Akdamar Church has a central dome and a four-leaf clover-shaped cross plan in terms of plan. In addition to its architecture, the church, which also draws attention with its figured stone plastic on its exterior, has a high drum in the middle, the interior is covered with a dome and the exterior with a pyramidal cone. Due to the high construction of the dome, Akdamar Church has a vertical effect in terms of design.

The church, which can be entered from one door from the west and south directions, has been enriched with the addition of different structures after its initial construction.

The central dome in the middle of the church, which sits on a rectangular area in the east-west direction, is carried by two free legs from the west and four arches leaning against the apse wall from the east. There are cells on both sides of the apse in the east, and this apse is built in a pentagonal shape. The dome covering the cross arm on the west side is arranged in a ribbed form. The central dome is reflected in the form of a pyramidal cone with a high drum towards the outside.

Cut stone material was used throughout the Akdamar Church. The jamatun added to the west side is arranged in a square plan and consists of nine sections. These sections are covered with cross vaults with mirrors. The architectural plastics decorating the exterior facades of the church, which was built using regular cut stone material; give the church an effective appearance.

What are the Figures in the Akdamar Church?

The figures in the churches are a factor that affects, develops and diversifies the designs of the churches as much as their architecture. Akdamar Church is quite rich in terms of its figurative repertoire. It is possible to come across many scenes taken from the Bible and the Torah in the church.

The most important of these scenes are the Prophet Jonah being thrown into the sea, the struggle between Prophet David and King Goliath, the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, the Samson-Palestine duo, Jesus and Mary in her arms, Daniel in the lion's den and three Hebrew youths in the fire.

King Gagik is shown presenting the model of the church on the west facade of the church. The Gospel writers are depicted in full height on the pediments on its four facades. In addition to all these depictions, there are also bands made of vines on the lower and upper parts of the church. Many different worldly scenes such as hunting scenes, wrestlers, palace scenes and various animals are depicted in these bands.

In the middle of the vine border on the eastern facade, there is a depiction of the Abbasid Caliph Muktedir sitting cross-legged with a halo on his head, holding a glass in one hand and grapes in the other.

In addition to the religious and secular scenes found in many churches, the variety of animal figures in Akdamar Church is striking. It is possible to see rich animal figures freely in the vines, on the lower parts of the roofs and in between. Apart from these, the influences of Central Asian Turkish art coming from the Abbasid route in the frescoes and figures in the church are an important factor that increases the importance of the church.

When Was Akdamar Church Restored?

Although its last restoration was in 2007, Akdamar Church has been restored many times throughout history. This is not surprising considering that the history of the monastery community dates back to the 9th century. It is recorded that the church, which was renovated in 1462, was renovated again between 1712 and 1720 due to damage in the earthquake in 1703.

Written by: Alper Kaya

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