Acknowledged Specialities of Van Registered in Guinness Book
Acknowledged Specialities of Van Registered in Guinness Book

Acknowledged Specialities of Van Registered in Guinness Book

With a great variety of over 30 condiments, the breakfast menu offered in Van has been entitled to be registered in the Guinness Book of Records. The breakfast culture is only a part of the mystic cuisine culture influenced and enriched by other cultures available on the Silk Road.

Why do men work? Certainly to travel, to eat and drink, and to entertain tehmselves! Well, once in Van, the question should be; what should be tasted here and what sights should be seen? … The cuisine of Van is, in fact, like a hidden treasure box, so it seems to me … Or considering the great variety of condiments offered at any breakfast table, I should say 'a great chest of treasure’ :) The specialities offered in the city that has enriched its cuisine culture with all the cuisines available on the Silk Road are unique, in the real sense of the word! Now a few words about these specialities marked with huge selection and authenticity … If one day, you happen to pass by this wonderful city, you should taste all!

1) Breakfast of Van

It has been a tradition for Turks since Ottoman times that breakfast is eaten like a Sultan, lunch like an ordinary person, and dinner like a poor person… As dietitians always emphasize, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, people from Van say hello to a new day at a breakfast table that far surpasses a breakfast table of kings and sultans. With condiments such as herby cheese, murtuga that is a speciality cooked with flour, butter, and eggs, pitta bread of Van, cacık that is diced cucumber in yoghurt, thin bread, sesame seed paste with molasses, clotted cream, and many others, the breakfast offered here is a real feast for the palate… If you wish to have this famous breakfast early in the morning or at any time during the day, Sütçü Kenan, namely Milk Shop Kenan, is open at 05.00 a.m. 

We recommend: Sütçü Kenan

Address: Cumhuriyet Caddesi Kahvaltıcılar Sokak No: 7/A Merkez, Van

Contact Tel. Number: 0432 216 84 99

2) Kavut

Kavut is a authentic local speciality originating from the time of the Urartian Empire. To prepare this acknowledged speciality, you should crush roasted wheat sprouts in a hand mill into flour and then fry them with butter in a hot pan. It is a special dish unique to the region patented and protected by the Patenting Agency under geographical indication sign (GI). This dish, especially preferred in winter months, was included in older times in the nutrition programmes in military units due to its highly nutritious ingredients. Many eating houses offer this speciality unique to Van, but we recommend you to taste it in the best place.

We recommend: Van Kahvaltı Konağı / Van Breakfast Pavilion

Address: Eski Cami Mahallesi Sahil Caddesi 350/6 Edremit, Van

Contact Tel. Number: 0532 563 00 65

3) Liver Balls

Parallel to a cattle breeding sector ever-growing in the region, Van has become a city enjoying a cuisine culture associated with meat products. I strongly recommend you to taste liver balls, a speciality I have seen and tasted for the first time here; but believe me, it is delicious. They prepare it as follows: Liver is shaped into meatballs, cooked and marinated with butter, and served with leaves of green vegetables. With its flavour and appearance, this extraordinary Van speciality provides a feast for the eye and the palate. 

We recommend: İpekyolu Sur Liver Eating House

Address: Kazım Karabekir Bulvarı No: 170 Semaver Kavşağı Yanı 65100, Van

Contact Tel. Number: 0530 631 14 65

4) Fish Roasted In Clay Oven

The pearl mullet produced in the waters of the Van Lake rich with saline-alkali waters is roasted in a clay oven here. As is the case for this fish species it is made from, this special dish is also 'endemic' to Van, if I may say so. Fresh fish from the lake are instantly cooked and served at your table!

We recommend: Altınsu Restoran

Address: Eski Cami Mahallesi Sahil Caddesi 212 Van Edremit, Van

Contact Tel. Number: 0542 391 75 07

Below are other special dishes specific to Van. To those who would have a chance to taste them, we say a good appetite :)

Fried Rhubarb plant, Murtuga, Sengeser, Kurdish Meatballs 

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