A Miracle of Mudanya: Trilye
28.06.2024 01:51
Travel Points
11 place
2 Km
2.518 place
Route Information
Trilye, a town of Mudanya connected to Bursa, is almost a tourism paradise waiting to be discovered. This town on the coastline, catching the eye with its historic houses, narrow but colorful streets and red brick roofs, is beautiful enough to satisfy the visitors with its treasures.
As Trilye is a preserved site, all its beauty under protection now. After the Ottoman Empire conquered Trilye as of the 1300s, the Greek people migrated with population exchange after a short while. However, when you look around the area, it is possible to see their traces under every stone.
Now we will make a pleasant daily Trilye discovery route with you. We mean it when we say daily. We have prepared you a route which will exactly take one day. You will almost see every corner of Trilye on our trip consists of 11 different spots.
If you are ready, we are beginning the day with breakfast in a magical field where it is very nice to watch the sunrise. Our first stop is Çamlı Kahve
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