Abdülcemil Mausoleum

Abdülcemil Mausoleum

30.05.2024 22:23

Kızılcahamam, one of the largest districts of Ankara, is in the foreground with its mosques, shrines, churches and baths. One of the structures that you should visit when you come here should definitely be the Tomb of Abdulcemil. Abdulcemil is one of the Sons of Red Midwife. He is also known as the brother of Oruç Ghazi. It has an important function in spreading Islam in Anatolian lands. He makes tax purchases in the region he is responsible for and manages to establish very good relations with people. The Red Midwife Tomb and the Abdülcemil Tomb are located very close to each other. Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat appreciates the Red Midwife, whose reputation has increased due to her fertile ayran. In the end, he gives her a lot of valuable land. Abdülcemil was responsible for the village called Üçbaş during the reign of Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat. Essentially this area is only part of the large area given to the Red Midwife. Due to the size of the area, the Red Midwife shares a portion of the land. With the death of Abdülcemil, his tomb is built in this village again. There is a distance of approximately 10 km between Kızılcahamam district center and this village. There is also 80 kilometers between Ankara and here. Üçbaş, which is adjacent to the village of Taşlıca, is very popular because of the Tomb of Abdulcemil. People who want to visit this person in the tomb where he lies throughout the year will have the chance to explore the village on this occasion. Recently, this shrine comes up with demands on landscaping. The General Assembly of Kızılcahamam Province makes a motion regarding the tomb. The Commission for the Protection of Cultural Assets, together with several members, conducts investigations at the shrine. The necessary landscaping is done for the Tomb of Abdulcemil, which contributes to faith tourism. These studies aim to strengthen the relationship between the Oruçgazi Tomb and this shrine which is located nearby.


Abdülcemil MausoleumAbdülcemil MausoleumAbdülcemil MausoleumAbdülcemil Mausoleum



  • caliskanahmt
    05.01.2023 06:59

    Abdulmecil, Orucgazi, Kırmızı Ebe buralarin Türk ve Müslüman yurdu olmasında önemli yere sahiptir. Saygı ve minnet duymak adina uğrayıp ruhlarına fatiha okunmalı.

  • cemmelih
    27.10.2022 07:47

    Sıkça definecilerin uğrak yeri olduğundan dışarıdan gelene köy halki biraz şüpheci bakiyor. Köy gerçekten çok güzel, huzurlu, sakin Ankaranin gürültüsünden kaçmak adina bu güzel


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