Ahielvan Mosque

Ahielvan Mosque

10.08.2024 09:44

Ahielvan Mosque in Altindag District of Ankara, was built by Hacı Elvan B.Mehmed in late 14th century. In the 15th century, it can be understood from the inscription found in it that it was repaired by Mehmed Çelebi. The historic mosque has undergone repairs many times until it reaches the present day. A number of repairs have been made again in recent years. Above it, there is a flat roof with wooden cantilevers and rafters. The walls are made of adobe and stone. The interior has sections supported by wooden posts. The section called the mahfil(gathering-place) where the muezzin is standing is also prepared with wooden material. On the pillars, there are marble heads and these are known to have been taken from the ruins of various Roman and Byzantine structures. Although it has an unpretentious architecture, there are parts of Ahielvan mosque that have artistic value. The mihrab, pulpit and window sashes stand out with fine woodwork and plaster craftsmanship. Finally, the door wings can be seen in the Ethnography Museum and the structure resembles Ahi Sharafeddin Mosque with its plan and architectural features. The wood sections are also thought to be similar.


Ahielvan MosqueAhielvan MosqueAhielvan MosqueAhielvan Mosque




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