Soğuksu National Park

Soğuksu National Park

28.05.2024 12:58

Soğuksu National Park, one of the important natural beauties of Ankara, has been serving since 1959. Normally, when this place was first granted national park status, the area size was around 1,050 hectares. In 1997, boundary changes were made and the face measurement of Soğuksu National Park was increased to 1,185 square meters. The National park, which is attributed to great importance due to being a crossing point between the western Black Sea and central Anatolia, is covered with densely forested areas. It is also possible to encounter a large number of eagle species and black vultures within the region. In certain areas of the forest, bear, fox, wolf-like predators are known to nest. On the other hand, this is an important habitat for squirrels, rabbits or wild boars from the group of mammals. The presence of endangered animals here makes the Soğuksu National Park even more important. Soğuksu National Park, located 78 km from the city, is also noted as a critical Recreation Area. Those who want to take a dizzying hike in the Kızılcahamam forests visit this natural beauty throughout the year. The National Park is also located within a volcanic zone. It is therefore possible to provide access to cold or hot water sources. This situation directly affects the number of hot springs within the National Park. There are many oak or fir trees in Soğuksu National Park. Arhut Hill, the highest point of this place has been measured at 1788 meters. There are also 35 different bird species in Soğuksu National Park, which makes a difference with its diversity of animals and plants. Some species are specifically prohibited from hunting here in the name of conservation.


Soğuksu National ParkSoğuksu National ParkSoğuksu National ParkSoğuksu National Park



  • ardacetinkaya
    05.10.2022 07:39

    Çoğunluğumuzun istisnasız şehrin gürültüsünden,karmaşasından kaçıp sığınmak istediği yerler vardır. İşte benim için de bu yer Soğuksu Milli Parkı.Soğuksu Milli Parkı bitki çeşitliliği bakımından oldukça zengin bir yer ve bölgeye hakim ağaç türünü karaçam, sarıçam, göknar ve gürgen oluşturuyor.


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