Kekova Lake

Kekova Lake

22.08.2024 19:56

Kekova is actually an island with a width of approximately 500 meters, located directly opposite The Villages of Akçağız and Simena (Castle). Kekova, which has a high tourist value, passes as a site. The total length of Kekova, which is long and thin, is around 7.4 km. The depth of the lake has been measured at about 105 meters. After the region's recent popularization, frequent boat tours have become organized. Archaeological work has been carried out around the island for many years. This place is usually used as a repair base or a shelter area. In history, the island and its environs were considered as military bases. The point known as ’Batık KENT(sunken city)' is the most interesting part of this place. Archaeological remains from the Byzantine period have survived in Dockyard Bay. The fact that some areas remained under water privately was explained by the earthquake. Kekova also gave its name to the entire region. Kekova is known as the largest lake in this region. More than 200 species of plants from 51 families are found in the lake. Of these, 26 can be classified as endemic. Out of this, it is possible to witness 96 bird species and 20 mammalian species. There are three villages around Kekova Lake. The region can be considered exactly as the point between Ulu Burun and Kekova Burun. Apart from the old castle walls, some castle ruins are remarkable. In Kekova, also referred to as a shallow inland sea, the heights begin to rise further north. There are bays with a high level of indentation, mostly on the shores. You may often encounter Lycian-style sarcophagi around Kekova Lake, which is always the center of attention due to its natural beauty and historical richness. The area named ‘Dockyard’ on the island is thought to be an old boat building site. Boat transport allows you to explore the lake and its surroundings.


Kekova LakeKekova LakeKekova LakeKekova Lake




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