Otkhta Four Church

Otkhta Four Church

17.04.2024 12:27

Churches are an integral part of the mosaic, which sheds light on the thousands of years of history of Anatolia, cultural value and tolerance. Turkey, where historical churches all around are protected within the scope of cultural heritage and can be visited and visited safely, is one of the exemplary countries in this context. Artvin, which is located in the northeast, is the host of many religious buildings related to the period of the Georgian Kingdom that ruled a thousand years ago ... There are nearly 10 Christian structures in Artvin's Yusufeli district, one of which stands out for its natural beauty around Otkhta Four Church. It is known that the church, which is located close to a small-populated village, was built by the Georgian King in the 9th century. The church, which is within a monastery, has the characteristics of the Middle Ages. Otkhta Four Church, which sets an example for the Barhal Church dating back to the 10th century with its architectural details, draws attention with its multi-part basilica plan. In addition to this feature, which is the source of its location separate from many other Georgian churches, it welcomes its visitors with a large and spacious interior design. Its ornaments, motifs and reliefs in relatively good condition can still be seen today. The church, famous for its calm ambiance, awaits the visit of culture and faith tourism enthusiasts.


Otkhta Four ChurchOtkhta Four ChurchOtkhta Four Church




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