Reichstag Building

Reichstag Building

03.01.2024 11:00

The Reichstag Building, a politically central and historically significant structure in Berlin, is one of the most striking buildings in Germany's capital. Completed in 1894, this impressive building has been the heart of German politics and has witnessed a long history stretching from the German Empire to modern Germany.

The Reichstag is especially famous for its reconstruction in the 1990s. During this period, a modern glass dome designed by the renowned architect Norman Foster was added, giving the building both a historical and modern touch. The glass dome offers visitors the opportunity to observe parliamentary proceedings and enjoy panoramic views of Berlin. Seriously damaged during World War II, the building was redesigned after Germany's reunification, emphasizing the transparency and openness of democracy.

The Reichstag Building is a key point for understanding the history and political structure of Berlin and Germany. Notable for both its architecture and political significance, this structure is considered a symbol of German democracy. A must-visit for those touring the city, the Reichstag illuminates Germany's history and offers visitors a unique experience.


Reichstag BuildingReichstag BuildingReichstag BuildingReichstag Building




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