Basçı Ibrahim Pasha Mosque

Basçı Ibrahim Pasha Mosque

24.03.2024 10:30

The historical mosque, located on Basçı Ibrahim Street in the Maskem District of Bursa, is inherited from the era of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. The original version of the foundation certificate-charter belonging to this special place, which has the signature of Başçı Ibrahim himself, is located in the archives section of Topkapı Palace. Therefore, a lot of basic information with the mosque is referenced here.

Başçı Ibrahim Paşa Mosque is ruined by earthquakes in time. It is particularly severely affected by the earthquake that took place in 1854. The first major repair after the earthquake is carried out after 1937. It is used as a warehouse for a long time without maintenance. Bursa Antiquities Lovers Institution, which played a role in the transformation of many historical monuments in the city, restored this place again in 1960. During this repair process, the General Directorate of Foundations also transfers funds.

The main place of worship of the mosque, which has a square plan in general, is covered with a strong dome covered with lead from the upper part. This main place of the mosque measures 10 times 9.95 meters. In the middle part, there is a generation of prismatic triangles. Nine windows in the pulley section illuminate the interior. The covers of some of the windows in the southern section are wooden. The minaret section is stationed at the entrance to the final Parish place. The body of the minaret is cylindrical in shape and also has an octagonal pedestal. In the minaret balcony section, Hedgehog fringes stand out. The balcony and cones are replaced with the final repair. The fountain in the middle section of the courtyard belonging to the mosque was likewise renovated in the last repair. This fountain is seen to have eight sides.

Many graves are found between the mosque and the hammam of the same name. One of these graves is dedicated to Ibrahim Pasha, who died in 1481. The mosque is still open for worship today.


Basçı Ibrahim Pasha MosqueBasçı Ibrahim Pasha MosqueBasçı Ibrahim Pasha Mosque




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