Gelemic village Cave

Gelemic village Cave

13.05.2024 01:39

Gelemiç cave is located in the Keles District of Bursa. Located directly within the boundaries of Gelemiç village, near the Kacasu River, the cave is among the popular natural beauties of recent times.

The hard valley, including the river flowing through the Gelemiç Village Cave, is known as Kayalidere Canyon. The area between the villages of Kocakovacık and Gelemic has many surprises. Although the canyon normally has a very wild and spooky appearance, you can easily walk here. A great trekking area awaits you by following the river path. If you follow this route, you may encounter Gelemiç Village Cave after a climb of about half an hour. Gelemic Village Cave is also known as Gavurini cave.

The cave contains numerous stalactites and stalagmites. There are three separate sections and a gallery formed by these structures. The stalactites and stalagmites, which appear to be quite magnificent, are a rare blessing for photography enthusiasts. The main entrance of the cave is closed by means of a wall during the Byzantine period. In the later period it is transformed into a residential area. It is stated that there was a cistern at that time in the same area.

A cave with the same name as this unique paradise land is also located in Antalya, and from time to time, these two caves are confused because of their similar name. For this reason, the cave located in the city of Bursa is often referred as Gelemiç Village Cave. Located on a high plateau, the cave is approximately 300 meters above the valley floor. Although the slope is steep, it is quite pleasant to walk the way to the cave. As a result of burying the stream, it fossilizes by hanging. In the interior, bats live in colonies. MTA(General directorate of mineral research and exploration) conducted a comprehensive survey of the cave in 1997 and mapped it in detail. The report obtained as a result of these investigations is shared with the public.


Gelemic village CaveGelemic village CaveGelemic village CaveGelemic village Cave




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