Oylat Cave

Oylat Cave

31.05.2024 19:32

Oylat cave is located approximately 17 kilometers from Inegöl District of Bursa. The cave consists mainly of two floors. The total length of Oylat cave is around 665 meters. This interesting cave, separated by two compartments, has a meander profile. The width of the first area of Oylat cave is between two and five meters. This width rises to over 20 meters in other sections. The ceiling height of the cave is no more than 15 meters. In some sections you can witness the height of the ceiling going down to three meters. The Hall section of the cave of votes consists of stalactites and stalagmites. It has a thick layer of gravel in its final parts. On the other hand, this is a vibrant habitat for many living communities. It is possible to encounter worm, butterfly and bat species here.

It is possible to feel the wind sharply at the crossing points. This is considered to be the third largest cave in Turkey. For this reason, many local and foreign visitors who visit Inegöl come to see this place. The popularity of Oylat cave is increasing by the day. In the first part of the cave, as well as gravel stores, drop stone pools stand out. You can choose to navigate the steps in Oylat cave. Meanwhile, the cave's entrance area serves an interesting cafe.

Oylat cave is of great interest, especially on weekends. The cave is open to visitors all days of the week. Oylat Cave can be visited between 08:00 in the morning and 21:00 in the evening. The cave is today under the control of a private enterprise. About 35 years since the Build-Operate-Transfer model is brought to tourism. Entrance to the cave is charged. To provide transportation to Oylat cave, after passing Inegol district about 15 kilometers, you have to enter the Domanic crossing and follow this new road. Along the way, you may encounter the guiding signs for Oylat cave.


Oylat CaveOylat CaveOylat CaveOylat Cave



  • rabiaakan
    23.11.2022 11:26

    Çok güzel, aydınlatilmiş demir merdivenle ulasım, yaslilar icin zor olabilir

  • aysenurgul
    18.07.2022 11:50

    Büyülü bir yer. Bu mağara 750 metre derinliğinde ve şaşırtıcı derecede güzel. İçeride serinleyebilirsiniz ve hatta üşüyebilirsiniz. bu yüzden kalın giysilere ihtiyacınız olabilir. Park yeri mevcut.

  • silapamuk
    04.08.2022 13:30

    Türkiye nin en büyük 2. Mağarasıymış ulaşımı kolay Mağaranın içerisinde zirveye doğru merdiven var bazı yerlerde dikleşiyor yaşlılar çıkmakta zorlanabilir.


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