Ancient City of Parion

Ancient City of Parion

13.06.2024 07:17

Although stories of heroism come to mind in our recent history when it is called Çanakkale, the history of the city dates back many years. The number of ancient cities in the region confirms this. One of them, the ancient city of Parion, is within the borders of Kemer village in Biga district. It is not possible to find very detailed information about the ancient city in historical sources. According to the limited information provided, it was determined that this was a port city. There are different views on the origin of the name Parion. Herodotus was the first to mention the name Parion in history. In the Great War between the Athenians and the Spartans, Parion supports the Athenians. The navy of about ninety ships meets at the city port. The size of this navy also indicates the size of the Port of Parion. The fact that the ancient City of Parion is a port city makes it a strategically important place at all times. The region has been home to many civilizations throughout its history. The most intense architectural activities in the city took place during Hadrian's reign. The theatre in the city was also built during this period. The burial chambers unearthed in the ancient city of Parion during long-time excavations offer important returns to the noble families who lived here. On the other hand, Agora, Tower, Roman bath and Odeion are among the works to be seen. There is also a large water tank in the eastern part of the city, to the south of the slopes. Excavations continue actively in the ancient city of Parion today. These excavations are especially accelerated after 2005. A large marble statue of the Goddess Artemis is unearthed during the 2012 excavations. This exciting sculpture is 1.70 metres high and contains an original composition. Because there is a strong possibility that different parts of the statue will be uncovered, they are carefully protected.


Ancient City of ParionAncient City of ParionAncient City of ParionAncient City of Parion




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