Seyit Corpora Monument

Seyit Corpora Monument

21.06.2024 18:08

Turkey's recent history is full of many heroic stories.We can't brag about enough with this inspiring painting. Even the Gallipoli campaign alone hosts hundreds of stories of heroism, but there is one of them that will literally make a man's hair stand up. Seyit Corporal, a very special example not only in Çanakkale but in terms of reflecting the warrior spirit of the Turks in general, is a symbol of our recent history. Seyit Corporal, who performed a great miracle and carried a 276-pound cannonball on his back alone, has been remembered as one of the heroes of the Çanakkale for a century with great respect and admiration. Some works belonging to this special hero are made in various places or squares of Turkey, but the Seyit Corporal Monument, which is located in Çanakkale itself, is much more magnificent as it deserves. Seyit Corporal Monument is located exactly within the Mecidiye bastion of Rumeli. The sculptor Hüseyin Anka Özkan labor the monument located near the sea side of this bastion. The monument, located only one kilometer from Kilitbahir Castle, is at the point facing the sea. Just across the monument, there is Mecidiye Bastion Martyrdom, where the Seyit Corporal and his friends were fighting together. As known, Seyit Corporal serves in Mecidiye Bastion. He manages to survive a heavy bombardment in which 16 soldiers are killed. He takes one of the solid balls to his back with the support of Nigdeli Ali and fires it three times. Eventually, it manages to Ocean Armoured ineffective. This great story of heroism is tried to live to some extent with the monument in Çanakkale today. Renovation work on the statue was carried out in 2006. Many people who visit the monument take pictures in front of this statue with great pride. A lot of information about Seyit Corporal is given on the plate.


Seyit Corpora MonumentSeyit Corpora MonumentSeyit Corpora MonumentSeyit Corpora Monument




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