Tepeköy Çınaraltı

Tepeköy Çınaraltı

24.06.2024 15:46

In Gökçeada, located in the Aegean Sea west of Çanakkale, there is a magnificent plane tree that has stood for over 600 years in the village called Tepeköy. You can sit in the shade of the aforementioned plane tree, which is one of the icons of Gökçeada and is protected, and enjoy the view, relax and sip your tea. Tepeköy's famous plane tree, which promises stunning visuals with its huge trunk and wide branches, is under protection and therefore surrounded by wire mesh. There is also a historical fountain within this wire mesh. This area welcomes a large number of people who have picnics under its branches especially in the summer months. At the same time, as you walk to the sea from this historic plane on an open path to different discoveries, you witness the dance of the blue and the island of Semadirek( Samothrace). There is an authentic tea garden where tea is brewed and make waffles. It is generally clean and quiet. Although it has received more attention with each passing year, it still remains a relatively hidden paradise. Meanwhile, there are several more plane tree around the island, the oldest of which is 400 years old. Each promises a separate visual feast, a wonderful atmosphere.


Tepeköy ÇınaraltıTepeköy ÇınaraltıTepeköy Çınaraltı




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