Edirne Houses

Edirne Houses

19.03.2024 18:22

Edirne has significant historical and cultural advantages because it has been the capital of the Ottoman Empire for 94 years. The city also stands out as a serious civic Architectural Center. In this context, the famous Edirne Houses manage to create a unique style of their own in terms of architecture. The historic houses of Edirne are wooden structures with specially designed decor as well as pavilions and mansions. In many of these houses, a very special style of ornamentation attracts attention. The fact that the Houses of Edirne have survived to the present day is an important positive dimension for tourists. The fact that the houses are also right next to the historical ruins and the narrow streets adds a different aesthetic dimension. The entrance doors in the historical houses of Edirne are quite large and have double wings. Selamlık(Greeting) Gates were named as 'Yelkovanlı' at that time. A connection between selamlık and the courtyard is created through the doors named as Yelkovanlı. The vines in the middle of the courtyards add a distinct aesthetic to the place. There is also a pool and fountain in general in these courtyards. The street gate opens to the Square located on the lower floor. This square is called ‘Gizzard(Taşlık)’. Thanks to the small glass windows, the square always gets light. Cobblestone stones are generally preferred in the base parts. That way, horses could enter the gizzards at that time. Most of the historic houses in Edirne have a special area with the name ‘Hayat’. This is also the section where the room doors open directly. In the last part of Hayat, an area surrounded by wooden cedars is created and this place is located one step above. There is a special door to exit the hall from the passenger stones. The parts formed by these doors are called ‘Niyazlık’. If the owner of the house is not in the house at the time, the curtain in the niyazlık is closed.


Edirne HousesEdirne HousesEdirne HousesEdirne Houses




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