Jaferiye Mosque

Jaferiye Mosque

10.03.2024 07:36

The historical sites of Erzurum, one of the oldest and ancient settlements in Anatolia, bear traces of many different civilizations. Caferiye Mosque, which is one of the sacred buildings that witnessed its history and survived for centuries, is a rare work of Ottoman architecture. According to the information written in the inscription, the mosque, whose foundation dates back to 1645, was built by the son of Abubakr, Jafar, who served as a treasury clerk in Erzurum during the age of Sultan Ibrahim, the 18th Ottoman Sultan. Caferiye Mosque, which has been witnessing history for four centuries, is located in yakutiye, a central district. Caferiye Mosque is one of the finely crafted examples of Ottoman woodworking. There is a last congregation allotment with three small domes placing on four round columns in front of the mosque. The top of the square-planned mosque is covered with a dome that sits on an eight-cornered pulley. The historic mosque, built of dark brown and rubble, is in the layout of a single-domed mosque plan. On the qibla wall of the mosque, the foundation of the mosque is seen in 14 rows. On the left side of the last congregation, we come across a shrine with the tomb of Haji Jafar, who built the mosque, dated 1650. Caferiye Mosque, a typical example of Erzurum mosques; Accompanied by motifs that combine aesthetics and history, it gives its visitors a peaceful journey.


Jaferiye MosqueJaferiye MosqueJaferiye MosqueJaferiye Mosque




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