Erzurum Olympic Park

Erzurum Olympic Park

01.01.2024 17:42

In Erzurum, eastern Turkey, one of the landmark locations is no doubt the Erzurum Olympic Park in Yakutiye district. Although it sometimes evokes winter sports by its name, the park's essence is to relax by spending pleasant hours in natural beauties. It would not be wrong to say that Erzurum’s Olympic Park is a paradise that is not hidden. The sounds of ponds and birds are not missing in the vast area surrounded by trees. The park is reached by entering a very flashy side and offers a variety of activities for children and young people to have fun. Erzurum Olympic Park is one of the ideal points for its parents to eat and drink with the sound of water and nature in the city. Erzurum Olympic Park, also known as the Social Facilities of the Metropolitan Municipality, is another pleasure of tea in samovar as well as all kinds of food, hot and cold drinks. Friendly prices are also noted in the area, which promises a place of entertainment and relaxation away from the city's crowds for residents.


Erzurum Olympic ParkErzurum Olympic ParkErzurum Olympic ParkErzurum Olympic Park




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