Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque

Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque

02.01.2024 13:21

The building, which was built in Erzurum as the first mosque, built during the Ottoman period, is one of the most famous religious structures of the city. After the fall of the Ilhanlı State in 1336, Erzurum was the scene of a political power battle for 200 years. Especially after the wars of Timur and Lord Alexander, most citizens emigrated, with Shah Ismail forcing the people to become Shiites. Erzurum will suffer such destruction; When the Ottoman Empire took the city in 1518, particlly a single taxpayer population could not find it. After the city was taken from the Ottoman empire in a dilapidated state, the streets of Erzurum, which were waiting to be renovated for 20 years, receive what it wanted on the return of the Voyage of Kanuni, which went on the Iranian Campaign. Grandvizier Lala Mustafa Pasha, Cyprus conqueror, the commander of Kanuni, who initiated a long-established regeneration and reconstruction process, built the first Ottoman mosque in the city. The mosque was completed to build in 1562; 28 windows, a central plan of integrity provided by four small domes, and the tiles on the window arches amaze those who see it. Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque, which is the most beautiful example of Ottoman classical architecture in Erzurum city, has been frequented place by hundreds of local and foreign tourists for centuries.


Lala Mustafa Pasha MosqueLala Mustafa Pasha MosqueLala Mustafa Pasha MosqueLala Mustafa Pasha Mosque




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