Alaüddevle Mosque

Alaüddevle Mosque

28.03.2024 10:49

The Alaüddevle mosque is one of the most prominent buildings in Gaziantep, which is a colorful and attractive city, which dominated by Ottoman rule for centuries.It was built in the late 1400s or early 1500s by Alaüddevle Bozkurt Bey, the third and last governor of Dulkadiroğlu Beylik, who ruled in Antep, Maraş and its environs. The mosque, whose architectural and foreman names are also known, draws attention with some traces familiar from Christian churches. These include the small columns used in the arch and the mihrab, i.e. the hollow section where the imam led the prayer in front of the congregation, which is equipped with decorations pointing to the baroque features on the triangular pediment. These features, which can be reconciled with the fact that its architect was being a Christian, can be shown among the details that contribute to its artistic importance. In general, there is a simple and natural ambience. Its minaret and a small courtyard with two colored stones are also remarkable. The Alaüddevle Mosque, which was built in the early 1900s by the efforts of the local people and is open to visit and worship today, is one of the structures that contribute to the city's skyline.


Alaüddevle MosqueAlaüddevle MosqueAlaüddevle MosqueAlaüddevle Mosque




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