Elif Mausoleum

Elif Mausoleum

25.06.2024 03:07

Elif mausoleum, which adds an important value to tourism in Gaziantep, reaches today from the 2nd century BC. These monumental tombs, where cut stones are used, have a square plan. The cross-vaulted roof stands out in the structure, which begins to rise above the podium. Both sides of the fuselage section are arched. The section between the podium and the trunk resembles tombs from the classical period. The fact that the area is surrounded by the heads of the Medusa makes the area more valuable. Medusa is known as a mythical mythological creature that turns what it sees into stone. The Elif Mausoleums, which are included in the district of Araban, are three in total. These are located in the villages named Hasanoğlu, Elif and Hisar. These Roman funerary monuments are located quite close to the Euphrates and at a commercially important crossroads. At that time, the mausoleum was built for high-ranking soldiers. All three monumental tombs are extremely close to each other. The monumental tombs consist of sections such as a pedestal chamber, arched upper section and roof cover. Hisar mausoleum has a height of approximately 10 meters. Located on a high plinth, the tomb has a pyramidal roof. A column heading stands out just above this section. In terms of ornamentation, it has a simpler structure compared to other tombs. There is no definitive information on by whom it was built. The ancient tomb of Elif is located in the village of Elif. This village also contains the ancient city of Sugga. It is also an intersection for Samsat and Zeugma roads. This place is made up of cut stones like other mausoleum and has a vaulted covering system. Hasanoğlu mausoleum is located in the village of the same name. The pedestal section is square-planned. It can be said that this place is a little more aesthetic than the other two tombs. Certain parts of the pedestal are unfortunately in ruins.


Elif MausoleumElif MausoleumElif MausoleumElif Mausoleum




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