Martyrs Monument

Martyrs Monument

23.06.2024 10:26

Gaziantep stands at a very important place in Turkey's recent history. This particular city, which has shown intense resistance to the French occupation and is ultimately entitled to the title of ‘Ghazi’, pays a considerable price. Gaziantep, which has the blood of many martyrs in its territory, builds very special places in order not to forget these days. Martyrs Monument is among the places that can be considered in this context. Gaziantep, where thousands of people were killed in the defense of Antep, keeps the memories of that struggle alive thanks to this wonderful monument. In the war of independence, this region is named as the Arıburnu front. Here, a simple monument is made on the Çınarlı mosque for the 6 thousand 317 people who were martyred. The monument, located exactly on Atatürk Boulevard, opened in 1935. The construction of such a magnificent monument in the city of Gaziantep was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the public at that time. A special commission was established for the monument of martyrs at that time. Today some parts of the Martyrs Monument are undergoing restoration. Some pictures and writings about the Liberation War are added to the wall sections. A recovery process takes place after the proclamation of the Republic in Gaziantep city, but the suffering experienced in the city is memorable for a long time. This monument, which will make the martyrs immortal, gladden people’s hearts. Monument is worthy of that great challenge in the city. Gaziantep Martyrs Monument, in a sense can be considered as the first modern structure of the city. The monument was built by Sırrı Bilen from the Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts at that time. It is known that this place was built under difficult financial conditions. It is even only therefore forced to stop construction for a certain period of time. Many activities take place to support the monument financially. The ticket revenues of the shows played in that period are transferred directly to this monument. The long-awaited monument of martyrs is the scene of a grand opening ceremony. You can visit the monument in Şahinbey at any time.


Martyrs MonumentMartyrs MonumentMartyrs MonumentMartyrs Monument



  • rumeysacakmakk
    08.08.2022 08:17

    Yeşilsuda bulunan yer alan Gazi şehir Gaziantep in şehitleri için yapılan abide. Altında şehitlik ve çınarlı camii bulunmaktadır.

  • sudekilic
    06.10.2022 05:17

    Şehitler abidesi gaziantepin en güzel yerlerinden birisi hem tarihi yerler hem alışveriş yerlerinin olduğu güzel gezi yeri😊


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