Atchana Mound

Atchana Mound

01.04.2024 10:09

Atchana Mound, the largest Central and Young Bronze Age settlement in the region, sheds light on the past with its history dating back to 2000 BC. In its geopolitical position, Hatay hosts countless cultures and civilizations on its journey dating back to 4000 BC. It is located by the Rebel River in hatay's Amik Plain, which has a very developed history in terms of settlements. In 2000, numerous works were reached here during excavation by Professor Dr. K. Aslıhan Yener, Professor of Archaeology at Koç University. Today, most of the works exhibited in many museums, especially the Hatay Archaeological Museum, belong to the Middle and Young Bronze Age. There are 17 layers of settlement in the Atchana Mound, the settlement point of many civilizations, from Egyptians to Young Hittites. The fourth and seventh layers have large palaces.The oldest of these places is the palace built by contemporary Yamhat, Hitite Prince Half-Lim and Hammurabi, king of babylon, together on the seventh layer. The structures built using adobe on stone thus manage to come without almost any deterioration to this day.


Atchana MoundAtchana MoundAtchana MoundAtchana Mound




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