Hıdirbey Musa Tree

Hıdirbey Musa Tree

01.08.2024 08:59

There are monument that have been standing in many cities of Turkey for centuries and have been the subject of legends. At this point, there is no doubt that the Hıdirbey Musa Tree in Samandağ district of Hatay is the subject of a more interesting rumor than many others. It's unbelievable, but this imposing tree is thought to be 3,000 years old. The famous story of The Tree of Hıdırbey Musa, one of the symbols of Hatay, has been spreading from ear to ear for generations and has survived to the present day. It is rumored that Musa thrust his wand where the tree is. The wand with the water of immortality, turns into a tree and grows, and has been living in full glory completely for 3,000 years since. It is not known whether it is true or a rumor, but the Tree of Hıdirbey Musa is a true visual feast with its enormous dimensions. The tree has a diameter of about 8 meters in its trunk, and its height is around 10 meters. Taken with its branches, it covers more than 1000 square meters of space. Hıdirbey Musa Tree, which has monumental tree status, is one of the most visited destinations of the city with its café and unique beauty, which can be enjoyed in its shadow. In general, it can be stated that it is among the important sightseeing locations close to the Mediterranean.


Hıdirbey Musa TreeHıdirbey Musa TreeHıdirbey Musa Tree




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