First Bullet Museum and Ataturk House

First Bullet Museum and Ataturk House

20.03.2024 07:18

It is based on various objects of spiritual importance exhibited in a restored historical mansion with care for its authentic texture first Bullet Museum and Atatürk House. This sophisticated museum is located in a very central location in The Dörtyol district of Hatay. The Ottoman Empire. The wars for re-gaining of its territory in Anatolia and Rumelia, which were divided with the pacts after World War I, are called the National Struggle. Here are the precious memories of the years of national struggle at the First Bullet Museum and Ataturk House. Various weapons, medals, documents, and numerous photographs are on display within the show case of the museum. In addition to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, hatay's heroic soldiers are given the atmosphere of the period using wax sculptures close to their real appearance of their people. The First Bullet Museum and Ataturk House, which is the center of the struggle towards independence, promises a rich collection despite its small size. There is also a small café at the entrance to the museum, which also has a pleasant garden.


First Bullet Museum and Ataturk HouseFirst Bullet Museum and Ataturk HouseFirst Bullet Museum and Ataturk HouseFirst Bullet Museum and Ataturk House



  • pelinakgl
    29.08.2022 07:59

    Bina aslına uygun yapılmış.Çevre düzenlenmesi mükemmel. Hatayın kurtuluşu ve Atatürkün bu konudaki mücadelesi net olarak bina içerisinde görsellerde ifade edilmiş. Görülmeye değer bir müze.çok beğendim.tavsiye ederim

  • buseats2
    22.09.2022 06:48

    Belediye'ye bağlı bu müzenin yöreyi ziyaret edenler tarafından mutlaka ziyaret edilmesini öneriyorum. Müzede döneme ait fotoğraflar ile objeler ve belgeler sergileniyor. Bahçesi çok bakımlı, insana huzur veriyor.

  • cemmelih
    03.11.2022 11:56


  • caglaacetin
    11.08.2022 07:19

    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ve Milli mücadelenin kahramanlarının kullandığı silahlar, aldığı madalyalar ve giydikleri kıyafetlerle o dönemin ruhunu güzel yansıtıyordu.


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