Aziziye Turkish Bath

Aziziye Turkish Bath

31.03.2024 19:39

The historical Aziziye Bath located on Recaizade Street in Kadıköy, which has become one of the most populous districts of the Anatolian side of Istanbul, is an important structure built in the 1860s at the time of last years of the Ottoman sultan Sultan Abdulaziz.

Aziziye Bath consists of two separate sections for male and female like other Ottoman baths. The structure was restored several times since the time it was built and has survived to the present day. It has witnessed a complete change of the window part as a result of the repairs it has undergone and a significant change in the exterior of the second floor.

The temperature of Aziziye Bath located on Rıhtım Street is provided by a large dome covering the bath with incredibly well lightning. The historical Aziziye Bath, which is admired by every visitor with its rectangular navel stone and is still open to service today, reflects many different styles in terms of architectural style.

Aziziye Bath, which is open to visitors all the year round, is open to men between 06.00 and 23.00 during the day and open to women between 08.00 and 18.30. You should not miss the opportunity to experience the Turkish bath in an environment decorated with glamorous tiles of Aziziye Bath, which has a sauna due to its adapted restoration as per its original and today's conditions.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the history of this domed historical building, which has both hot and cold water and heated with a special mechanism, goes back to the Romans. All you have to do is to call the contact number in order to reach the updated information of Aziziye Bath, where there is not only Turkish bath and sauna, but also massage service and all of them are charged separately. 


Aziziye Turkish BathAziziye Turkish BathAziziye Turkish Bath




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