Besiktas Pier

Besiktas Pier

09.03.2024 23:25

The construction of Beşiktaş Pier, which has a unique location on the Rumeli side of the Bosphorus, dates back to 1913. The pier, which has the traces of neoclassical architecture in general terms, was built by Mimar Ali Talat Bey by the Şirket-i Hayriye. Beşiktaş Pier, built in the First National Architecture style, was thoroughly repaired in 1941, 1948 and 1970. The facade facing the sea of the pier, which is a two-storey building, was built by taking every detail into consideration.

On the tile panel that welcomes you on the entrance facade, there is the inscription "Beşiktaş Pier" written in kufi calligraphy. In addition, there are tile panels on both sides where the construction date of the building is written. In the restoration that took place after the domes collapsed after 1970, a hipped roof was built. During the repair in 1979, part of the upper floor, which has a large terrace, was covered with glass partitions.

There are stone spikes that catch the eye on the outer walls of the pier and tile panels on the inside of the window arches. There are stone rubbings that catch a glimpse on the outer walls of the pier and tile panels on the inside of the window arches. When we examine the interior design of Beşiktaş Pier, the wide ceiling with plaster stalactite rows and the walls with hand-painted decorations are highly won recognition. Besiktas Pier, which can be distinguished from other typical piers with its aesthetic appearance, now has staff rooms and offices and coin sales counters. The upper floor, which was used as a wedding hall until the 1950s since it is facing the sea, was completely closed in 1979 and took its current form.


Besiktas PierBesiktas PierBesiktas Pier



  • gunmemoli
    26.09.2022 14:44

    Simit ayran alıp vapura binmek geldi bi an aklıma 😂


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