Con Pasha Mansion

Con Pasha Mansion

14.02.2024 13:49

In Istanbul, it is possible to encounter many historical mansions or mansions belonging to both the post-Republic period and the Ottoman Period. Con Pasha Mansion, one of the precious mansions of the city, is called John Avrimidis Mansion in some sources. Located within the islands, the mansion was built in 1880. The great efforts of Con Pasha, who was born in Lesbos, were effective in its construction. Achileus Policis, one of the talented names of the period, is the architect of the historical place, which is located exactly in the Büyükada Nizam District. Con Pasha, the builder of the mansion, is essentially Venetian origin. It is known that his real name is Yannaros. He initiated the first Kadıköy Islands ferry voyages. The grave of Con Pasha, who lost his life in Bursa, is in the Şişli Greek Cemetery. Covering an area of ​​2010 square meters, the mansion clearly reflects the architectural aesthetics of its period. It is seen that it has an eclectic structure, especially with its external ornaments.

After Con Pasha's death, this mansion is inherited to his family. Osman Niyazi Pasha, the Ottoman ambassador to Berlin at that time, and the daughter of Con Pasha were married. He and his family are in Austria during the times of the First World War. Since their children have not been heard for a long time, the Ministry of Finance has to confiscate the house and put it up for sale. After this process, many Greek origin families reside in the mansion. Wooden column balconies are included in the repair work and are further enhanced from an architectural point of view. Especially the decorations on the roof are striking. It is possible to encounter different sculptures in the garden area.

Drawing attention with its many styles at the same time, Con Pasha Mansion makes a difference especially with its ceiling frescoes with both Egyptian and Viennese themes. Since the historical building, which is described as unique, is a private property, it cannot be visited at any time with the logic of a museum.


Con Pasha MansionCon Pasha MansionCon Pasha MansionCon Pasha Mansion




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