Enver Pasha Fountain

Enver Pasha Fountain

13.01.2024 06:05

Enver Pasha Fountain is located on the road leading to Büyükçekmece Bridge. It is adjacent to the historical mansion of the same name. The fountain is built entirely of face stones. The north and south sides of the structure are relatively wider. Based on this, it can be thought that the main facades are these two facades.

When the facades are examined carefully, leaf motifs in the form of oyster shells immediately catch the glimpse. Ornamental slab of the fountain is created from marble material. Ornaments are embroidered directly into this ornamental slab. The remaining facades are flat and plain.

A very large eave covers the fountain right above. Unfortunately, over time, it is seen that the original state of the fountain could not be preserved for various reasons. At the same time, the building does not have an inscription. The old tress still stands on the east facade; however, the water of the fountain does not flow as of today. Through the new tress added later, water is transferred.

Enver Pasha, who gave his name to the fountain and the mansion, was an influential name especially in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. He undertook the command of the Caucasian Islamic Army for a period.


Enver Pasha FountainEnver Pasha FountainEnver Pasha FountainEnver Pasha Fountain




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