Little Mediciye Mosque

Little Mediciye Mosque

13.08.2024 15:00

Known also as "Çırağan Mosque" and located in Ortaköy, a seashore region of Istanbul, Little Mecidiye Mosque is in front of Çırağan Palace. It has a square plan and a dome. Built on an area almost for 400 square metres, the mosque has an area of a thousand six hundred square metres with its yard. Despite its vast area, it was named "Little" because Ortaköy Mosque, known as Big Mecidiye Mosque, is located close-by.

Little Mecidiye Mosque was built in 1849 by Abdülmecid, the 31st Ottoman Sultan. It is estimated that the architect of the mosque was Nikogos Balyan. The mosque is different from Turkish architecture in general terms. One of the most exciting aspects of the Little Mecidiye Mosque is its minaret. The minaret is located on the left, and its balcony is sheltered.

The arches between the minaret columns are from the gothic tradition. The minbar and platform, where the sermon is read, are adorned with pink stones. No annexe building is available except the yard walls surrounding the building. With its pretty elegant and pleasing building, Little Mecidiye Mosque waits for its visitors, offering a catchy deepness.


Little Mediciye MosqueLittle Mediciye MosqueLittle Mediciye MosqueLittle Mediciye Mosque




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