Ladıklı Ahmet Ağa Mansion and Fountain

Ladıklı Ahmet Ağa Mansion and Fountain

30.01.2024 12:40

Ladıklı Ahmet Ağa Fountain is on Rasim Paşa Rıhtım Street in Kadıköy district of Istanbul. There is also a mansion next to the fountain built in 1793.

It was built by Ahmet Ağa, who was footman (çuhadar) of Ottoman Sultan Selim III that is the person responsible for carrying and preserving clothes. Footmen were chosen among reliable people as they were close to the sultan. The fact that Ahmet Aga did a charity work with the fountain indicates that he is also loved and respected.

It is important that the general identity of the work has been regained to a certain extent. On the other hand, it can be interpreted as a reconstruction of a historical value in general. The fountain has been recently repaired after it became dysfunctional due to the damage of the water channel in 1980. The fountain was also a highly devastated work with its mirror stone boat. The address stone was ill-conditioned. At this point, a comprehensive restoration has been carried out in the past years to solve the general problems.


Ladıklı Ahmet Ağa Mansion and FountainLadıklı Ahmet Ağa Mansion and FountainLadıklı Ahmet Ağa Mansion and Fountain




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