Private Galileo Galilei Italian High School

Private Galileo Galilei Italian High School

05.05.2024 17:58

It was first opened/established on Kumbaracıbaşı Street in 1870 in order to provide education services to the children of Italian families residing in the Tophane region of Beyoğlu district in Istanbul, especially those who are homeless. In 1876, the school moved to a larger building on Suterazi Street and continued its education life, and with the increase in the number of students, it moved its current place/location on Turnacıbaşı Street in 1882.

The side/facade facing Turnacıbaşı Street of the school, which consists of two separate buildings, serves as an education building, and the side/facade facing Faikpaşa Yokuşu Street serves as an orphanage for homeless children The back facades of these two buildings and gardens are common, and their front facades face different streets.

The school, which started to provide education at primary education and nursery level, suspended its activities for a while due to wars at the beginning of the century. Afterwards, with the addition of secondary and high school preparatory classes, it started to provide education as Private Italian Girls' Secondary School. As of 1937, Turkish students were not admitted to primary school as required by law, and only Italian and foreign students started to study.

Following the closure of the secondary school department due to the legislation regarding the increase of mandatory education to eight years in 1996, it becomes the current high school that provides education at the primary education level, where all foreign students can be enrolled, as of 2000.


Private Galileo Galilei Italian High SchoolPrivate Galileo Galilei Italian High SchoolPrivate Galileo Galilei Italian High SchoolPrivate Galileo Galilei Italian High School




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