

23.03.2024 11:35

Valideçeşme is located in the Beşiktaş district on the European side of İstanbul. It is also known as 'Bezmialem Valide Sultan Fountain.' In 1839, Sultan Mahmud II's wife and the mother of the subsequent Sultan Abdülmecit I was not known only in İstanbul. . It was built by Bezmialem Valide Sultan, one of the famous Ottoman Sultan's mothers, known for her charitable works in Arabia and Iraq. In addition to Valideçeşme, there are 11 other fountains of her in Istanbul.

The frieze part decorated with reliefs under the eaves consists of columns, inscriptions and ornamental slab. In the middle of the frieze, Sultan Abdülmecit's tughra decorated with a motif attracts attention. Decorations in shapes such as torches and leaves were brought to the fore. Again, the decorated faucet section is also interesting. It is a delicately processed, empirical style, highly aesthetic fountain.

Valideçeşme was damaged in a terrorist incident in the 1980s and then underwent extensive repairs close to its original form. It is among the city's proposed works to be seen closely.

Dilkuşa Summer Palace, located within the land of Yıldız Palace, has many buildings that it pioneered, such as a hospital, schools, Galata Bridge made of wood, Dolmabahçe mosque, Bezmialem Sebili in Medine.

The mausoleum of Bezmialem Sultan of Georgian origin, who was born in 1807 and died in Dolmabahçe Palace in 1853, is recorded to be a cherished and respected person, is in the shrine of Mahmud II in Fatih district.






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