Hacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu Mosque

Hacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu Mosque

25.05.2024 10:07

Hacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu Mosque, located in Konak district of İzmir, is shown among the religious places with the most beautiful architecture of the city. The mosque, which was completed at the beginning of the 20th century, stands out especially with the elegance of its architecture.

Some sources about the mosque, which was built between 1897 and 1905 upon the will of Salepçizade Hacı Ahmet Ağa, under the supervision of Mehmet Emin Efendi, the judge of İzmir at the time, also give the year 1907. However, the common view is that the foundation construction of the mosque was completed and the construction of the minaret continued until 1907.

According to a charter of 1893; The mosque, the upper floor of which was designed as a mosque and the lower floor as a madrasah, was built on the infrastructure previously built by Salepçizade Ahmet Ağa, where the madrasah, classroom and school were located. In fact, it is written in the charter of these structures that Salepçizade Ahmet Ağa left the incomes of 80 shops and two large inns on the construction of mosques.

It is known that the Büyük and Küçük Salepçioğlu inns were located in the area where the Salepçioğlu Bazaar is located today. With the closure of the madrasahs in 1924, the madrasah part in these structures was also closed. Thereupon, the madrasah structure was used by organizations such as the Yeşilçay Society and the Wrestling İhrisas Club between 1945 and 1967; In 1985, the madrasah section was opened for worship and started to serve as a Qur'an course.

One of the most striking features of the Hacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu Mosque is that it has four marble fountains in total. These fountains, located on both sides of the ground floor entrance to the building, outside and on both sides when entering, stand out with their elegant structures. On the other hand, the ceiling of the mosque is made of slabs supported by four grooved cast iron columns. There is also a pool made of red stones used on the east side of the mosque.

Hacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu Mosque, whose narthex is designed with a rectangular plan and the upper part of which is covered with three domes, consists of gray and white marble mihrab and pulpit; It is almost dazzling with its dark nave green outer walls and wide-surfaced marbles on the doors and windows.


Hacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu MosqueHacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu MosqueHacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu MosqueHacı Ahmet Sait Salepçioğlu Mosque




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