Caucasian Front War History Museum

Caucasian Front War History Museum

09.07.2024 13:06

Due to its geopolitical position, this museum, which is dedicated to the martyrs of 93 war of Kars, consisting of many military barracks, castles, walls and bastions, promises time travel. From the middle of the 19th century to the late 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was subjected to many attacks from the Russians. During these attacks, bastions and headquarters buildings are built, which can serve as military barracks to defend the city. One of the headquarters used for defense and attack repulsion is the building of today's Caucasian Front War History Museum. When the history pages show 1828, a major attack was carried out by the Russians in Kars to the Ottoman Empire. The attack, which was carried out as a night raid to the bastion built in Selim III period. All soldiers on the bastion built as The New Bastion are martyred. Since then, the museum depicts the place in the literature as Bloody Bastion is also known as the 'Bloody Bastion Building'. The Caucasian Front Martyrs Museum, one of the most visited places in Kars with its exhibition about the martyrdom of 3,000 soldiers overnight, has a very large exhibition area with its eight main halls. The museum is also one of the few interactive museums in Turkey.


Caucasian Front War History MuseumCaucasian Front War History MuseumCaucasian Front War History MuseumCaucasian Front War History Museum



  • ℯ𝓋𝒾𝓃 ✨
    31.08.2021 12:08

    Görülmesi gereken nadide yerlerden biridir 👌🏻


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