Osmanlı Period Baths

Osmanlı Period Baths

05.08.2024 14:12

Baths, 17th-century structures in the border city of Kars, which joined the Ottoman lands in 1535, are among the most popular structures in the city. Kars, which became ottoman territory during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent Sultan, has a very developed trade due to the Silk Road passing through the city and is magnificent as much as possible. Three baths, located right next to Kars river on the road to Kars Castle in the 17th century, are now under the protection of the governor's office. Seljuk architectural style is generally seen in the baths. Today, only the inscription of the Small Bath is available from the three baths, so only information about it is available. Located in the northwest direction of Ani Ören Place, The Small Bath is located about 100 meters south of the city's Bey EightGate. Consisting of four privacy rooms and four iwans, The Small Bath also stands out with its pointed arched entrance. Baths that have been defying time for hundreds of years and protected by the Governorship of Kars today are tried to be restored with restoration. The structures, which are repaired to serve the people of Kars and tourists, wait in line to become one of the most popular places in the city.


Osmanlı Period Baths Osmanlı Period Baths Osmanlı Period Baths




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