Sarikamis Forests

Sarikamis Forests

09.09.2024 04:14

Sarikamis Forests, which stretch over 60,000 hectares in Kars-Erzurum borders, are the lungs of the east of Turkey. It has vast forests, a wildlife reserve and national park status, 33 km from Kars city centre. It has picnic areas and ski resorts. The wooded area lies around Mount Suphan it divides. Allahuekber Mountains and Kars Plateau virtually like a wall. Oak, poplar and birch trees are also present in the forest, which mainly includes yellow pines. There are also meadows and small ponds that remain wet throughout the year. Sarikamis Forests are also home to two species of plants facing extinction threat. Species of birds such as black vulture, small forest eagle, bearded vulture; The animals also endangered of species, tailed dormouse lynx, deer, pig and butterfly named multieyes Diana are among the species of animals that stand out in the wooded area. Rarely, there are predatory species such as bears and wolves. In Sarikamis Forests, where trees are cut for production, picnics, a center called Soğuksu for recreational purposes and two ski resorts are located.


Sarikamis ForestsSarikamis ForestsSarikamis ForestsSarikamis Forests




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