Serka Building

Serka Building

03.01.2024 23:32

Another building in Kars, which was affected by the Baltic architectural style, named after it in the early 1700s on the Baltic Sea coast of the Netherlands, is the Serka Building. After the Russians dominated Kars and its surroundings, the Serka Building, which is structured with this architectural form of its preferred style, used a heating system called 'Peç'. In this region, which is used as a military zone, closed balconies were preferred in architecture because the temperature was mostly cold during the year. The Serka Building, which has a trace of standard Baltic architecture, was also built as a two-storey. The work, which is estimated to have been done over a 40-year period ruled by the Russians, is decorated with fake columns and bordure of the north and west façade walls. The building was used as the Army House from the early years of the Republic. The building, which was transferred to the Ministry of National Education in 1990, is currently being used by Serhat development agency.


Serka Building Serka Building Serka Building Serka Building




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