Castle Bath

Castle Bath

10.01.2024 18:26

The bath house built by Master Sheikh Ziyaeddin in the 14th century has kept both Turkish culture and purification philosophy for 700 years. In Turks, bath is a culture. It represents not only body cleansing, but also spiritual cleansing. Things done with a purified soul and body are considered logical and better. Ottoman culture most gives it and builds countless baths on its territory. Built by Master Sheikh Ziyaeddin in 1300, Castle Bath is one of the rare structures that has delivered its philosophy to this day. Castle Bath, one of the oldest baths in Kastamonu, is also very easy in terms of transportation with its location in the center of the city. The bath, visited by hundreds of local and foreign tourists every year, gives information about 14th century Ottoman structures. The Castle Bath, built with wood working on rubble stone, manages to win hearts with the philosophy it carries, although it has been tired in his seven centuries of history.


Castle Bath Castle Bath Castle Bath




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